Levereges Push Notifications and similar technologies to show a prompt on user’s device requiring that they confirm or decline a
login request.
Responsively adapts to the customer or business’s situation
No long stories. Vereafy endpoints are RESTful and excitingly simple.
Don't worry about the PIN. Send only the mobile number and we'll handle the PIN Generation.
Our Machine Learning algorithm will auto-generate your messages to optimize delivery.
Cecula Vereafy saves you cost by first verifying a number before sending the message.
Vereafy is smart and is not affected by telco enforced DND. Your messages will deliver on schedule.
Sometimes users impatiently hit Retry Links. Vereafy handles retries smartly. No additional costs.
Need only the SMS OTP? Let’s get started
We offer remote and on-site integration service for nationwide clients, and remote integration for overseas clients.
Submit a request and we'll call back within 24 working hours.